A volunteer is a person who gives freely and willingly of their time.
NHS Lothian has a long history of involving volunteers spanning nearly 100 years.
Volunteers bring a wide range of skills, knowledge and life experiences to NHS Lothian which complement the skills, knowledge and experience of our staff team.
Since April 2018, over 4500 individuals have volunteered with NHS Lothian with the vast majority making a commitment of at least 2 hours a week for 6 months or more. Our volunteers have been recruited and trained to take on a variety of roles ranging from Ward Helper to Driver, to Meaningful Activity Helper, to Welcome Guide.
Currently volunteers are involved in supporting our work and positive health outcomes for patients through approximately 25 different roles including Ward Helper, Welcome Guides, Meaningful Activity Volunteers, Library and Book Service Volunteers and more.
Read more about roles and locations on the Volunteering Opportunities page.
‘Fit for the Future’, NHS Lothian’s strategic plan for Volunteering 2023 – 2028 recognises the principle that volunteering should be beneficial to all parties and makes a commitment to enhancing benefits for volunteers, as well as beneficiaries.
Three key building blocks will form the robust foundations required to allow for growth, creativity and innovation in volunteering in 2023-2028:
- A safe and positive volunteering culture. Establishing and maintaining a culture in which every staff member and service user recognises and respects the added value volunteers bring is fundamental in ensuring volunteering is transformational for all. When this culture is established, the staff and the public view a volunteer as another member of the team and their contribution will be valued equally.
- Collaborative, strong and safe partnerships. Developing and delivering volunteering opportunities in partnership with internal and external colleagues will be key to achieving transformational volunteering. NHS Lothian’s Voluntary Services Team will have multiple partners in the effective recruitment, co-ordination and support of volunteers. Our approach to partnership will prioritise patient safety, best practice in volunteering and support innovation.
- Strong infrastructure, staffing and funding. Sustaining a skilled Voluntary Services Team with clear remits working within a robust policy framework, serviced by a strong infrastructure which supports good working practices and record keeping will be instrumental in the development of the other building blocks and the achievement of the outcomes.
Find out what the staff team think about our NHS Lothian Volunteers.
Our Reports
Each year, our Volunteers have the opportunity to take part in an annual impact and experience survey. Take a look at the responses below which have been captured over the last two years.
Impact of Volunteering Report 2022 opens a new window
Impact of Volunteering Report 2023 opens a new window
Volunteering Experience Report 2022 opens a new window
Volunteering Experience Report 2023 opens a new window