Health Information NHS Lothian

Sexual Health

Whatever your age, sexuality or cultural background there are a range of services available to you in the Lothians which can provide the full range of contraceptive methods, emergency contraception, STI advice, testing and treatment, HIV testing, pregnancy advice and referral for termination of pregnancy.

Some also offer specialist services such as Cervical screening (smear test), colposcopy clinics, community gynaecology clinics, menopause and premenstrual syndrome clinics, sexual problems clinics. Others offer specialist advice and care for, men who have sex with men, anyone at high risk of STI or blood borne viruses and HIV, those who need PEPSE and those who have HIV.

NHS Lothian has a dedicated sexual health website – www.lothiansexualhealth.scot opens a new window This site has been created by experts to provide reliable and straightforward information about sexual health and services for people in Lothian.

If you are under 25 there are services specially designed for you. Full details can be found Healthy Respect opens a new window website. Also take a look at our young people opens a new window section.

Emergency Contraception

If you think you might need emergency contraception because you have had unprotected sex or your contraceptive method has let you down then phone Lothian Sexual Health on 0131 536 1070 Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm.

At other times of day, at weekends and on public holidays, you can phone NHS 24 opens a new window on 111, visit your local ‘out of hours’ pharmacy opens a new window or attend A&E.

For more information visit https://www.lothiansexualhealth.scot/contraception/emergency-contraception/ opens a new window

Sexual Health Emergencies

If clinics are closed and the problem is so serious that you cannot wait until the next Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) clinic opens a new window opens – for example if you think you have been exposed to HIV in the last few hours, you have been sexually assaulted, or you are HIV positive and feel seriously unwell – you should contact NHS 24 Tel: 111 or the nearest accident and emergency department.

Staff at NHS 24 opens a new window and A&E departments can deal with urgent problems and can contact members of our team for advice if required.

Form more information see our Sexual Health Emergencies page.