Vaccinations NHS Lothian

Childhood Vaccinations

Routine Pre-school Vaccinations, Including Seasonal Flu

Immunisation helps protect children from serious diseases. Vaccines strengthen their bodies’ ability to fight off infections.

Key Vaccination Schedule:

How it Works:

  • NHS Lothian’s Childrens Immunisation Teams administer routine vaccinations.
  • Scottish Immunisation Recall System (SIRS): Automatically adds children at birth and issues appointment letters when due.
  • Missed Appointments: SIRS automatically recalls children who miss appointments.
  • Moving to Scotland: Share immunisation records with your child’s GP or health visitor.
  • Missed Vaccinations (Ages 0-5): Use the Missed Childhood Immunisations section for self-referral.

Seasonal Flu:

  • Eligible Children:
    • Children in clinical risk groups aged 6 months and older (not yet in school)
    • All children aged 2 years and older (not yet in school)
  • Invitations: Childrens Immunisation Teams will contact you to arrange vaccination.
  • Not Invited? If you believe your child is eligible but hasn’t been invited, use the Missed Childhood Immunisations section for self-referral.

Routine School Vaccinations, Including Seasonal Flu

School-age vaccinations provide essential protection against serious diseases, helping to ensure your child’s health and well-being.

  • Delivered by: Community Vaccination Team (CVT)
  • School-Based: Flu, HPV, MenACWY, and Td/IPV vaccines are typically administered at school.
  • Consent Forms: Sent home in advance. Contact your school’s administration office for replacements.
  • Missed School Vaccinations:
    • Mop-up Clinics: Provided after each vaccination programme.
    • Missed at Mop-up: Vaccination will be offered in the following school year.
  • Home-Schooled Children: Education representatives will arrange vaccinations with the CVT.
  • Unable to Vaccinate at School: Contact the CVT at loth.cvtschools@nhs.scot with your child’s details.
  • School Leavers (16-17): Flu vaccine available at community clinics for eligible ‘at-risk’ groups. See NHS Inform for details.

Missed Childhood Immunisations

Ensuring Your Child is Fully Protected: Catching Up on Missed Vaccinations

Missed School Vaccinations:

  • Mop-up sessions are available after each vaccination programme and in the following school year.

Missed Vaccinations (For Children Ages 0-5, Not Yet At School):

Calls may be charged at your standard network rate. Please check with your provider.

Missed Vaccinations (Ages 6 and Older):

School Leavers:

Vaccination History

Understanding Your Child’s Immunisation Record

Check the Red Book: Review your child’s Red Book for a record of received immunisations.

Missing Records:

  • If you don’t have a Red Book or suspect missing vaccinations:

Calls may be charged at your standard network rate. Please check with your provider.