Vaccinations NHS Lothian

Health Information

If you have coronavirus symptoms and need help, from now on you should dial 111, not your GP. You only need to call 111 if your symptoms worsen and are unmanageable, or do not improve after 7 days.

If you need a sick note due to coronavirus, don’t contact your GP or NHS 24. You can download an isolation note directly from NHS Inform here.

One of the key ways we can all help avoid catching and spreading infections like coronavirus is to practice good personal hygiene.

So please make sure you:

  • Avoid direct hand contact with your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene — washing hands with soap and water or alcohol hand sanitiser:
    • after coughing or sneezing
    • after going to the toilet
    • before eating and drinking.
  • Avoid direct contact with people that have a respiratory illness and avoid using their personal items such as mobile phones.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with disposable tissues and dispose of them in the nearest waste bin after use.

The National Infection Prevention and Control Manual also provides best practice guidance and information on washing your hands and using sanitiser/hand rub.

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